An amazing friend of mine sent me the link to this article in the Guardian Debenhams launches divorce gift list for separating couples. I am not going to go on about the state of marriages in this country, other than to say it has been written about and spoken about regarding the lack of value placed on marriage and the fact that it’s on the decline in our culture. I think sometimes we focus too much on the actual divorce rather than impact it can have on the family, especially kids. There is a heartbreaking story behind every case of divorce. A narrative that can go deeper and further than is ever known.

With the shocking revelations of John Terry this week and his countless number of misdemeanors. I am just reflecting on our culture and the shocking lack of a moral compass that we have. I have a close friend whom I have known for quite sometime now, her story is one quite similar to far too many people. As I read her story I was broken by the pain and hurt that flooded through her words. I think we need some readdressing of priorities.
Divorcee has lasting impact on the people around us.  It is a sensitive subject and one that is difficult to address but one we need not to shy way from.