Mike TysonMike Tyson is retired American boxer who caused controversy both inside and outside of the ring. He can divide opinion hugely. I stumbled on this quote a while a go and it intrigues me.

“Everybody says they believe in God but they don’t do God’s work. Everybody counteracts what God is really about. If Jesus was here, do you think Jesus would show me any love? Do you think Jesus would love me? I’m a Muslim, but do you think Jesus would love me … I think Jesus would have a drink with me and discuss … why you acting like that? Now, he would be cool. He would talk to me. No Christian ever did that and said in the name of Jesus even … They’d throw me in jail and write bad articles about me and then go to church on Sunday and say Jesus is a wonderful man and he’s coming back to save us. But they don’t understand that when he comes back, that these crazy greedy capitalistic men are gonna kill him again.” Mike Tyson

Here we see Mike Tyson questioning the nature of Jesus and challenging our Christology. Let me know what you think?