As many of you may have seen I have working on super exciting project called EasterLIVE. A project that is really centred around creating a way for people to really grapple with the beautiful truths that live behind Easter. And also creating away for people to use this powerful platforms, in Facebook and Twitter, to share the gospel with people who they are in relationships with. I wanted to post some of the most amazing ones for some reflection…

  • Christopher Chiu-Tabet Before I think of my own definition, I’m reminded of how J. R. R. Tolkien described Easter as a “eucatastrophe”
  • Andrew Horton God often works behind the scenes; this time he was centre stage.
  • Andy Frost they thought it was all over but things were actually starting over…
  • JohnSentamu Remember God’s Son was raised 2new life so that we might live. We are an Easter people & Alleluia is our song!
  • TweetingKirsty Easter Is gods way of saying ‘I love you so much that I will repay your debts at any cost.
  • Superdwayne It only takes one person to change the world and how we leave our daily lives
  • JesseRice Easter is like a paparazzi-snapped picture of the God who is playfully unpredictable
  • jonnylikes2rant We are owned twice over by Christ. He made us and at the cross He paid for us. Salvation is a free gift, but it came at a cost