I don’t know what you are like, but sometimes I just need to read a little bit of exciting news about what God is up to somewhere else in His creation and it re-ignites my spark. This happened to me when I re-read ViralHope. ViralHope was a serious of blog post over at JR Woodward’s blog. The post went for 50 days up to Pentecost. As I avidly followed the post I was overwhelmed by how much we become self focused in our ministry, when sometimes we need to take a step back and remember that we live a big world and God is alive and well. ViralHope is the compiling of these post into a beautiful book that yells of the diversity and beauty of God. Viral Hope is published on the Ecclesia Press which is the publication arm of the Ecclesia Network, a church planting network started by JR, Chris Backert, Jim Pace and a few sundry other friends who love Jesus. If you are interested in learning more about planting churches, or getting networked in a group that is highly thoughtful in it’s practice and execution of church, I highly recommend Ecclesia.

I also highly recommend ViraHope to you. Its a really simple and yet incredibly challenging book. You can read it in one sitting or over a few weeks with a bunch of mates and really grapple with how the gospel is good news to your community. I love the title of the book too I think it captures a very central part of the kingdom of God. The book is full of ragamuffins who are asking great questions about the gospel brings hope to there communities and how it can spread like wild fire throughout the world.

It is available on Amazon and over at Ecclesia Press.