The Power of Stories… Part 2

Stories are as old as humankind. Cave paintings going back 25,000 years or more dramatically portray the story of the great Paleolithic hunts undertaken by our earliest ancestors. Glyphs recovered from Mayan pyramids and tombs of the Pharaohs tell a symbolic story of...

The Power of Stories

To be a human being is have a story. Story is the vehicle that give structure and order to our lives. Instead of trying to make sense of the literally millions of independent events that comprise our lives, we intuitively organize them into an orderly sequence of...

A Great Piece of Work: My Faith Journey

This video from Ok Go is a great example of my faith journey. It’s messy and one thing after another leads to connect a lot of dots. I really like this as an example of my journey of faith. Hope you all enjoy it and get as much out of it as I...

The Jesus Creed

We have confidence in Jesus Who healed the sick, the blind, and the paralyzed. And even raised the dead. He cast out evil powers and Confronted corrupt leaders. He cleansed the temple. He favored the poor. He turned water into wine, Walked on water, calmed storms. He...

Easter Reflections

As many of you may have seen I have working on super exciting project called EasterLIVE. A project that is really centred around creating a way for people to really grapple with the beautiful truths that live behind Easter. And also creating away for people to use...