The 21st century is strange and wonderful place to be and a difficult place to envision a radical, grace give and whole hearted Christian faith. This series of the A-Z of discipleship will help us try and narrow down a few key concepts of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the 21st century.


Have you ever heard about the guy who walked a tight rope across Niagra Falls? Many people watched him do it. To them he asked, “Do you believe I can walk a tight rope across the Falls?” They all replied, “Yes.” They had already seen him do it. 

Then he pushed a wheel barrow on a tight rope across Niagra Falls. When he completed the feat, he asked the onlookers, “Do you believe I can walk a tight rope across the Falls pushing a wheel barrow?” To that they replied unanimously, “Yes.” Because they saw him do that too. 

Finally, a buddy of the tight rope walker climbs into the wheel barrow and the tight rope walker pushes him across the Falls. Wow, what a daring feat! When they finished, the tight rope walker asked the crowd, “Do you believe I can walk a tight rope across the Falls pushing a wheel barrow with a person in it?” To that they exclaimed, “Yes!” For they were now believers in this guy’s awesome abilities. 

Then he looked at the crowd and asked, “Who’s next?”

Authenticity is key element of discipleship. Just like the man who asked people get in the wheel barrow God asked us to take the first step onto the tight rope andfollow him. Discipleship begins with us making an honest decision to step out of comfort-zone. Authentic discipleship is about trust, both being a trustworthy disciple but also that others can trust you.

Authenticity is foremost because we have to want to do if we are ever to take on this brave and brutal task. Life is not easy and it takes it toll on you and your relationship with God