Light v Dark

Light v Dark

Many times I have listened to preachers and read about abattle between light and dark, good and evil, right and wrong. I have been thinking about this for a little while now. I wonder if you have sat in room and worried when you flicked the light switch if light...

A-Z of Discipleship: Authentic

The 21st century is strange and wonderful place to be and a difficult place to envision a radical, grace give and whole hearted Christian faith. This series of the A-Z of discipleship will help us try and narrow down a few key concepts of what it means to be a...

Monday with… Dallas Willard

Today I am going to take a quote from. Dallas Willard. He is an American philosophy professor and author born in Buffalo, Missouri. His work in philosophy has been primarily in phenomenology, particularly the work of Edmund Husserl. His more popular work has been in...