I was browsing through JR Briggs blog today and I stumbled across an interesting post that tied in nicely with something that a couple of us are challenging ourselves with this year. Me and a friend of mine Andy Hoyland have decided to read the bible this year and part of my passion for the year ahead is become more like Jesus. Many times I have, as I am sure many do, make goals that mean nothing (lose weight, eat healthier etc) but this year I want to take on the simple yet complicated task of  trying to be more like Jesus.

I recently heard a quote by the famed Jewish theologian David Flusser from Hebrew University in Jerusalem said that if Christians are to be like their rabbi, Jesus, they have to intimately know who he is, how he lived and what he taught – inside and out.  He stressed his point even more saying that if Christians do not read the four gospels once a week it would be hard for them to call themselves followers of Jesus. Sure, its bold and provocative, but there is little doubt that Flusser meant it.

I am challenged to make 2010 a year a discipline.